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Image by Sean Oulashin


Are you really LIVING life, or  are you just ALIVE?


Nobody's bucket list includes feeling stuck in life, or struggling with mental health issues related to childhood trauma, grief, addiction, anxiety or depression. Unresolved emotional issues and unhealed wounds from the past can become barriers that block your way to becoming your best self and living the life you really want.


You may have tried things to fix your problems and feel frustrated because nothing seems to work for long, and not much is changing. Perhaps  you've been avoiding dealing with painful or uncomfortable feelings for so long that your stress and problems are piling up and are becoming overwhelming.


It takes courage to ask for help, but there comes a time when staying stuck is more painful than asking for help.


Transformation doesn't happen just because time goes by. Changing old habits and unhealthy thinking patterns takes effort. Similar to exercising, doing the right things over and over again makes you stronger and stronger as time passes. And working with a professional who shows you what exercises are best to achieve your goals really speeds up the process.


At the end of therapy, many clients have said they wish they had started counseling sooner and not spent so much time struggling on their own.

Starting therapy with a qualified professional can jump start your efforts to change your life. It's an exciting process to learn better ways to cope with life’s challenges, refresh your confidence, and improve your relationships in a nurturing growth environment.


Hi, I’m Maria Otsuka, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist , and I offer online telehealth counseling therapy sessions to support you on your journey toward healing, growth, and self-discovery.

Learn More
Image by Johannes Plenio

Change happens when the pain of staying the same outweighs the pain of change."

Tony Robbins


It's a messy job, feeling and dealing with emotions...

According to the American Psychiatric Association, “Psychotherapy has been shown to improve emotions and behaviors and to be linked with positive changes in the brain and body. ”


Through the use of evidence-based psychotherapy methods and collaborative treatment measures, my clients develop life-changing habits to help them cope with life’s various obstacles. My therapy sessions are designed to unpack personal issues and build up effective tools to help them "deal with" both the beauty and messiness of life.

Image by Sandie Clarke


I love helping my clients develop the tools they need to cope with all of life’s challenges.


Message me today to book a free 15-minute consultation to see if we're a good fit before making any commitments.

Text or Voicemail:
(916) 918-6598

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Emotional Regulation - The First Step: Identify your Emotions - Willingness
Therapy in a Nutshell

Emotional Regulation - The First Step: Identify your Emotions - Willingness

Do you want to learn How to Process Emotions and improve your Mental Health? Sign up for a Therapy in a Nutshell Membership, you'll get access to all of Emma’s courses, workbooks, and a Live Q and A with 100’s of exclusive videos: Download the free emotions tracker here: Check out the how to Process Emotions Course here: If you want to become more emotionally intelligent, you’ve got to be able to know what you’re feeling. Most people don't know how to identify your emotions. This is not the same as knowing why you’re feeling that way (insight) or knowing what to do about it…that’s important too..but knowing what you're feeling is really important. It’s like starting where you’re standing. Many people don’t know what they’re feeling, they literally can’t tell you what emotion they’re having. You might feel numb, or disconnected, or you can’t tell the difference between thoughts, feelings, and sensations. Some people just don’t have the words for emotions. A lot of people intellectualize- they try to think their way out of feelings. Instead you can learn to identify your emotions. When you don’t know what you are feeling, you often feel a sense of powerlessness. You might feel confused, or be reactive to emotions that you can’t identify. When you know what you’re feeling, you can choose what to do with those feelings, and you’ll have a greater sense of peace and control in your life. So how do you feel your feelings? How can you identify your emotions? What do you do when you don’t know what you’re feeling? In this video I’m going to teach you 4 ways to tune into your emotions, and these are things I use all the time in therapy to help my clients get better at feeling. 00:00 How to identify your emotions 01:19 Emotions are fundamentally physical 01:35 Emotions are fundamentally physical 03:20 Tune into your emotions and sensations 04:24 4 Principles from Mindfulness 07:04 Use Emotion Charts to Identify Emotions 07:58 Track your emotions to get practice identifying them 08:48 Draw your emotions to identify them Looking for affordable online therapy? My sponsor, BetterHelp, connects you to a licensed professional from the comfort of your own home. Try it now for 10% off your first month: Learn more in one of my in-depth mental health courses: Support my mission on Patreon: Sign up for my newsletter: Check out my favorite self-help books: Check out my podcast, Therapy in a Nutshell: Therapy in a Nutshell and the information provided by Emma McAdam are solely intended for informational and entertainment purposes and are not a substitute for advice, diagnosis, or treatment regarding medical or mental health conditions. Although Emma McAdam is a licensed marriage and family therapist, the views expressed on this site or any related content should not be taken for medical or psychiatric advice. Always consult your physician before making any decisions related to your physical or mental health. In therapy I use a combination of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Systems Theory, positive psychology, and a bio-psycho-social approach to treating mental illness and other challenges we all face in life. The ideas from my videos are frequently adapted from multiple sources. Many of them come from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, especially the work of Steven Hayes, Jason Luoma, and Russ Harris. The sections on stress and the mind-body connection derive from the work of Stephen Porges (the Polyvagal theory), Peter Levine (Somatic Experiencing) Francine Shapiro (EMDR), and Bessel Van Der Kolk. I also rely heavily on the work of the Arbinger institute for my overall understanding of our ability to choose our life's direction. And deeper than all of that, the Gospel of Jesus Christ orients my personal worldview and sense of security, peace, hope, and love If you are in crisis, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at or 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or your local emergency services. Copyright Therapy in a Nutshell, LLC
10 Signs of Hidden Anxiety

10 Signs of Hidden Anxiety

Hidden anxiety is not actually a clinical term. Hidden anxiety refers more to symptoms of anxiety that are underlooked in the DSM. The purpose of this video is to raise awareness on less common signs of anxiety that people may not notice. Someone with or without an official diagnosis of anxiety disorder may still experience these symptoms. Do you have a friend or know someone who may be experiencing signs of anxiety that are hard to pick up? Disclaimer: Do not use this video to self diagnose yourself or someone else. To receive a proper diagnosis, a professional is recommended. You can, however, use this video as a guide when explaining your symptoms to your doctors. According to the American Psychological Association, people with anxiety have a future-oriented fear which leads them to avoid anything that could potentially trigger a stress response. In 2017, the National Institute of Mental Health reported that approximately 40 million people worldwide suffer from anxiety. Anxiety disorders are highly treatable, but recent surveys show that only 36.9% of those suffering from it seek treatment. This might be because most people with anxiety worry about the judgment of others and how the stigma against mental illness might negatively affect their lives. Does this sound familiar to you? Suggested playlist: Credits Writer: Chloe Avenasa Script Editor: Kelly Soong & Gabrielle LaFrank VO: Amanda Silvera Animator: Winshard (Talented animator: YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong References: American Psychological Association (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Washington, DC, USA; APA Publishing. National Institute of Mental Health (2017). What Are Anxiety Disorders? Retrieved from National Alliance Against Mental Illness (2018). Mental Health by The Numbers. Retrieved from Calvo, M. G., Gutiérrez, A., & Fernández-Martín, A. (2012). Anxiety and deficient inhibition of threat distractors: Spatial attention span and time course. Journal of cognitive psychology, 24(1), 66-78. Bowen, R., Clark, M., & Baetz, M. (2004). Mood swings in patients with anxiety disorders compared with normal controls. Journal of affective disorders, 78(3), 185-192. Steer, R. A., & Beck, A. T. (1997). Beck Anxiety Inventory. Do you want to see more videos like this one? If so, send us an email to with more of your suggestions! Also, favour needed. Could you help share our videos on your social media if you found them helpful? Thanks!
The Reflection in Me HD

The Reflection in Me HD

THE REFLECTION IN ME is a heartwarming, animated short film sharing themes of love, acceptance, and having a positive self-image. Now available as a picture book from Scholastic/Orchard Books, written by Marc Colagiovanni and illustrated by New York Times #1 best-selling creator Peter H. Reynolds. Links to order THE REFLECTION IN ME and the other Reynolds titles, including another Colagiovanni collaboration, WHEN THINGS AREN’T GOING RIGHT, GO LEFT: -- "You are perfectly perfect just the way you are!” Colagiovanni collaborated with FableVision Studios to help him produce the animated version of his story THE REFLECTION IN ME. The book and film’s goal is to empower children of all ages to find the courage to look inside and love themselves as they are. With FableVision founder and renowned children’s book author Peter H. Reynolds at the helm as illustrator and executive producer, THE REFLECTION IN ME follows the impactful experience of a child going through the practice of self-love and acceptance. The film seeks to promote the message of having a positive self-image and unconditional love. Visit for more information about FableVision and the film. Written by: Marc Colagiovanni Executive Producer: Peter H. Reynolds Producer: Peter Stidwill Production Assistant: Mikaela Johnson Art Director: Bob Flynn Art: Peter H. Reynolds Animator: Didi Hatcher Music Composer: David Nyman Sound Design: Jordan Persson Narration: Candace Kozak Production Companies: FableVision Studios and Junior Joe
Intrusive Thoughts and Overthinking: The Skill of Cognitive Defusion 20/30
Therapy in a Nutshell

Intrusive Thoughts and Overthinking: The Skill of Cognitive Defusion 20/30

Do you want to learn How to Process Emotions and improve your Mental Health? Sign up for a Therapy in a Nutshell Membership, you'll get access to all of Emma’s courses, workbooks, and a Live Q and A with 100’s of exclusive videos: Get the course: How to Help: Peer-to-Peer Support Certification,%202021&utm_medium=Description&utm_source=YouTube Get the course: How to Process Your Emotions,%202021&utm_medium=Description&utm_source=YouTube Do you ever find yourself overthinking a situation or battling intrusive thoughts? This video will teach you the skill of cognitive defusion, which will help you separate yourself from your thoughts so that you can look at them rather than through them. Intrusive thoughts can be scary, dark or painful. They can make you worry that you're losing your mind. they are associated with OCD but they can also just pop up out of nowhere. But Intrusive thoughts don't have to ruin your life. Overthinking is another problem that many people face, constantly dwelling on thoughts or rehashing them over and over. We swim through our thoughts like a fish swims through water. We don’t even notice that the way we think colors our view of the world. Or sometimes we do notice thoughts that we don’t like, and then we don’t know what to do with them. Sometimes you fight them or struggle against them, but that doesn’t feel any better. So sometimes you get stuck in an endless loop of overthinking, obsessively struggling against a thought. But that’s not any better, because struggle steals your attention and energy. In this video you’re going to learn how to get unstuck from your intrusive thoughts and break free from patterns of overthinking. You’re going to learn how to look at your thoughts instead of through them. This skill is called cognitive defusion. Looking for affordable online therapy? My sponsor, BetterHelp, connects you to a licensed professional from the comfort of your own home. Try it now for 10% off: Learn more in one of my in-depth mental health courses: Support my mission on Patreon: Sign up for my newsletter: Check out my favorite self-help books: Check out my podcast, Therapy in a Nutshell: Therapy in a Nutshell, LLC, and the information provided by Emma McAdam are solely intended for informational and entertainment purposes and are not a substitute for advice, diagnosis, or treatment regarding medical or mental health conditions. Although Emma McAdam is a licensed marriage and family therapist, the views expressed on this site or any related content should not be taken for medical or psychiatric advice. Always consult your physician before making any decisions related to your physical or mental health. In therapy I use a combination of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Systems Theory, positive psychology, and a bio-psycho-social approach to treating mental illness and other challenges we all face in life. The ideas from my videos are frequently adapted from multiple sources. Many of them come from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, especially the work of Steven Hayes, Jason Luoma, and Russ Harris. The sections on stress and the mind-body connection derive from the work of Stephen Porges (the Polyvagal theory), Peter Levine (Somatic Experiencing) Francine Shapiro (EMDR), and Bessel Van Der Kolk. I also rely heavily on the work of the Arbinger institute for my overall understanding of our ability to choose our life's direction. And deeper than all of that, the Gospel of Jesus Christ orients my personal worldview and sense of security, peace, hope, and love If you are in crisis, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at or 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or your local emergency services. Copyright Therapy in a Nutshell, LLC ---- Music licensed from or Images from (premium license), Pixabay, or Wikimedia commons
ADHD and Emotional Dysregulation: What You Need to Know
How to ADHD

ADHD and Emotional Dysregulation: What You Need to Know

Emotions and emotional dysregulation are something you don't usually read about when learning about ADHD – and there's a reason why! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Facebook: Twitter: Support us on Patreon: CITATIONS/LINKS: Barkley, B. A. (2015) Emotion Dysregulation is a Core Component of ADHD. In R. A. Barkley (Eds.), Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: A handbook for diagnosis and treatment (4th ed.). New York, NY, US: Guilford Press. ADHD and Anger: How to Make Better Decisions through Mindfulness: Emotion Tracker! Super Heart Award (blank) Super Heart Award (like Jessica's) Explanation of how cognitive behavioral therapy helps: Explanation of how cognitive behavioral therapy helps: Emotional dysregulation and ADHD: Article about the connection between ADHD and ODD: Lecture by Dr. Barkley on emotional regulation: How does mindfulness improve emotional regulation: Why mindfulness meditation is important to help us be mindful: Easy app to practice mindfulness meditation: Link to a review article on emotional dysregulation: How mindfulness meditation improves emotional regulation and decreases substance abuse: ADHD or bipolar? "The Show Must Be Go”, "Professor Umlaut", "Carefree", "Doobly Doo", "Enter the Maze", "Life of Riley" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Some vector graphics created by Vecteezy
This was REALLY HARD to ADMIT as a CODEPENDENT PERSON BUT  It Changed My Life Forever/Lisa Romano
Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc

This was REALLY HARD to ADMIT as a CODEPENDENT PERSON BUT It Changed My Life Forever/Lisa Romano

#codependencyrecovery #toxicrelationships #narcissisticrelationships #dramatriangle This was really hard to admit as a codependent person, but it changed my life forever. If you are codependent, you may not be aware that you are living a reactive life, as a result of faulty childhood brainwashing. Until you awaken, you will remain stuck, repeating negative patterns from the past. Childhood emotional #neglect, and #childhood #trauma cause shame. Shame is the cornerstone of #codependency. If you struggle with #abandonment, and #fear of #rejection, you may #fawn and #enable others as a way to avoid feeling rejected. Codependency is a maladaptive way to get emotional needs met. We enable, caretake and do for others what others should do for themselves, and when others do not respond the way we want them to, as unconscious codependents, we can become angry. We can scorn others for not allowing us to meet their needs, and thus garner a sense of self, and ultimately end of feeling like a victim. This Drama Triangle must end if we are ever going to escape the codependency matrix. Subscribe 8 Key Phrases You Can Use to Shut Down a Narcissist 10 Mind Games Narcissists Play They Hope You Won’t Figure Out If you would like support as you heal codependency, check out my narcissistic abuse recovery coaching program. 50% off limited time offer ✅ Take the Codependency Quiz FREE Codependency Presentation ✅ Codependency On-Demand Presentation ✅ SUBSCRIBE and Stay Up to Date with this Codependency Recovery and Narcissistic Abuse Recovery YouTube Channel The Actors from the hit movie WAVES watched my YouTube videos about codependency to prepare for their movie roles. 10 Most Influential People Guided Healing Meditations, Self Love Programs, Events, and More ✅ ✅ Law of Attraction Master Your Reality Online Coaching Program ✅ 12 Week Breakthrough Program — Break Free From Codependency Https:// ✅ Loving the Self Video and Meditation Program Available for IMMEDIATE USE YouTube Subscribers receive 50% off ✅ Join My Membership Program (Programs, Journaling Prompts, Live Group Calls, Private FB Community and more) YouTube Subscribers receive 50% Off ❤️ Membership Site 50% off Wow 🤩 Download the Loving the Self Affirmation APP and receive daily affirmations, Journaling Prompts, and wallpapers from me! ☝️ Complete YouTube Codependency Playlist 👂 Tune in to Lisa’s Podcast 👂 iTunes 😀 Listen to My Books for FREE 😀 📚 Codependent Now What 📚 Loving the Self Healing Childhood Programming 📚 Quantum Tools to Help You Heal Your Life 📚 Loving the Self -- Breaking the Subconscious Patterns 📚 The Road Back To Me 📚 Codependency Manifesto 🎯 Facebook 🎯 Instagram Lisa A. Romano on Pinterest 🎯 Join my online Facebook Support Group Meditate With Me on Insight Timer Lisa A. Romano is a Life Coach and bestselling author who specializes in helping people reclaim their lives through ascending old thought patterns and healing faulty childhood subconscious programs. She is an expert in the fields of codependency, narcissistic abuse, and elevating consciousness. She is also one of the most popular meditation teachers on Insight Timer and is the creator of the 12 Week Breakthrough Coaching Program. If you feel invisible, unworthy, and lack a sense of self or purpose, Lisa's work in the field of personal development can help you gain the self-awareness required to breakthrough. Thanks for watching This was REALLY HARD to ADMIT as a CODEPENDENT PERSON BUT It Changed My Life Forever/Lisa Romano #dramatriangle #helpforcodependency #codependentnomore #melodybeattie #emotionalneglect #codependency #codependent #areyoucodependent #signsofcodependency #enabler #caretaker
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